$900 Full Price! I only use Red Eagle Racing clutches in EVERY third gear drum and a Kevlar second gear band.
These go into EVERY transmission I rebuild.
I don't use stock bands or stock third gear clutches.
All 727's get upgraded to five plate direct using five Red Eagle Racing clutches, plus a Kevlar front band, plus shift mods for performance driving in every rebuild; Transgo VB plate mods and only partially blocked accummulator piston.
Every transmission is detailed for show like in the pics.
All th350s get a milled direct piston for five Red Eagle Racing clutch plates, blocked 2-3 accumulator, shift mods; redrilled shift plate, wider direct bushing, dual fed third gear (the direct clutch is dual fed internally; to match B&M's slotted valve body plate; only without the internal pressure losses cause by leakage around the slot), nylon governor screen, partially blocked 1-2 accumulator.
All 904's get shift mods, Kevlar band, and upgraded Red Eagle Racing clutch packs; added plates in third gear drum.
th400s get heavy duty 4L80 intermediate retainer, upgraded direct Red Eagle Racing clutch packs, shift improvements, dual fed third, and five clutches in both drums.
All C4s get wider C6 pump bushing, dialed in modulator clearance, extra direct Red Eagle Clutches, Kevlar intermediate band, cooler bypass valve removed or blocked open, and shift reprogramming.
All C6s get a five plate direct with Red Eagle Racing clutches, shift reprogramming, Kevlar band, and dialed in modulator clearance.
Low pressure modulators for cammed motors.
I'm the only guy that does this stuff; specializing in street trannys.
Trans with bolt on yoke add fifty.
Also add fifty for pre 71 C4.
Every transmission is rebuilt to V8 specs minimum.